Monday, July 28, 2008

About Bulimia

People who suffer from bulimia nervosa go on a diet , but when they feel hungry because of it , they binge ( eat excessively ) . To compensate for the weight gain , they either make themselves vomit the food they’ve been eaten , or empty their stomach by using laxatives ( drugs that cause you to defecate ) or lose water from their body by using diuretics ( drugs that cause you to urinate ) . Like anorexics , they also obsessed with their figure and looks . But unlike anorexics , they have a normal weight , or are just a little under weight.
Why it happens ?
Like anorexia nervosa , bulimia nervosa is also a psychological , emotional illness , triggered by the false idea that thinness is the key to happiness and success.
Bulimia give ugly impact , the stomach lining and esophagus ( the pipe that connects the mouth and the stomach ) can get eroded in bulimics ( people suffering from bulimia ) b’coz of their frequent vomiting. They also can get severely dehydrated b’coz of all the vomiting and the abuse of laxatives and diuretics . Their teeth might be stained or decayed b’coz of the stomach acid that comes up when vomiting. Those who abuse laxatives might suffer from constipationb’coz their bodies forget how to empty bowels themselves

Warning signs

Bulimics most often binge in secret . They prefer starchy or sweet food high in calories that require little chewing. So one of the signs of someone suffering from bulimia is the many wrappers and containers that show a large amount of food being consumed. Another sign s visits to the toilet right after eating like anorexics , bulimics are obsessed about dieting , calorie counting and getting thinner. They also usually work out excessively in an effort to compensate for the weight gained during bingeing.

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