Anorexia and bulimia is one of the many kinds of eating disorders .They are deadliest suffer.Anorexia nervosa is people who suffer from anorexia nervosa starve themselves. They don’t eat , refuse to aet , avoid eating , basically do anything to not eat. It doesn’t mean that they’re not hungry. They feel hungry , but they see it as a sign that they’re successful in controlling themselves.
Possible you enquire how this matter can happened ? anorexia is really an emotional , psychological illness. Those who suffer from it usually see thinness as a key to their happiness and success in life. And if you think that these are people who achieve nothingin their lives so that they identify success with starvation then you’re wrong. A lot of anorexics are high achievers : hard working , thoughtful and always trying to be perfect.
anorexia very dangerous for the health of us and give bad impact.The body of an anorexic is deprived of the nutrients it needs to maintain its normal , healthy functions . That’s why the body slows down metabolic processes : the heart beats more slowly , blood pressure drops . These signs show that the heart is chaning : the slower the heartbeat and the lower the blood pressure , the higher the risk of heart failure and death . Anorexics also suffer from muscle loss and weakness . Their bones become brittle and fragile b’coz they undergo osteoporosis , even at a very young age. They suffer dehydration , which can lead to kidney failure. They always feel tired , cold and weak , and they often faint. They have dry hair dan skin and suffer from hair loss . Soft hair grow all over their bodies in an effort to keep the body warm. A girls menstrual period becomes irregular and even may stop altogether , while the level of sex hormones drops in a guy.
Dramatic weight loss an anorexic can weigh as low as 85 % under the normal , healthy weight for their age and height . The person denies being hungry and always tries to avoid eating , making up excuses like “ I’m not hungry” the person is very choosy about food , eating only small amounts of only a few kinds of food and then avoids all kinds of food altogether. They’re obsessed with exercise to burn off calories. The person is very critical about her/his appearance and constantly afraid to being too fat , despite the weight loss.
source : various source